Acupuncture for Arthritis
Acupuncture has become an increasingly utilized method of treatment for a variety of ailments and diseases. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method of treatment, which aims to balance the energy flow in your body. The energy flows through pathways called meridians, which can become blocked. Acupuncture needles are placed at certain points on the body in order to reestablish balance. Acupuncture may also be a beneficial treatment for those suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic and progressive disease that leads to the degeneration or joints and...
Read MoreResearch Shows Acupuncture Can Provide Headache Relief
Headaches can both frustrating and debilitating. Tension headaches are the most common headache and can range from mild to moderate in intensity. Symptoms of tension headaches often include dull, aching head pain or tightness that is generally felt across the forehead, sides and back of the head. Pain from tension headaches can also radiate to the neck and shoulder muscles. Tension headaches can range from a single episode to chronic, in which headaches may last for hours and continue for more than 15 days in a month’s time. Migraines and tension headaches can sometimes be confused for one...
Read MoreAcupuncture Safety and other Common Misunderstandings
There are many misconceptions about acupuncture — misunderstandings and misinformation that unfortunately make some people hesitate to seek treatment that could really help them. Acupuncture can be a safe, effective treatment for many conditions and the World Health Organization along with the National Institutes for Health recognize acupuncture as being effective for pain, anxiety, depression, digestive disorders, respiratory problems and more. Many of my patients initially come to me with questions or concerns about acupuncture so I’d like to take the opportunity to answer the most...
Read MoreAcupuncture Can Relieve Stress
A new study published in the Journal of Endocrinology indicates that acupuncture can help to relieve stress and points to the reasons why. The new study explores the biological reasons behind acupuncture’s stress-relieving abilities. The researchers discovered that stress hormones were lower in subjects that received electronic acupuncture. Using rats for their study, they designed a series of tests with electronic acupuncture to ensure that each rat received the exact same dose of pressure. The targeted point was below the knee, or the “Zusanli” point. This is the area — which...
Read MoreAllergy Treatment with Acupuncture
This spring’s allergy season has been a severe one and here in Florida it can be a a problem all year round as various tropical trees and shrubs bloom and thrive in any season. Acupuncture has already been seen to help relieve pain in patients and a new study indicates that it might relieve allergies as well. Many patients plagued with allergy symptoms like sneezing, watery eyes and a scratchy throat use over-the-counter antihistamines for relief, but now more and more are turning to acupuncture and herbal treatments when they find that the medications don’t alleviate the...
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