New Research Shows Acupuncture Effective for Pain
It’s not often that the mainstream media highlights the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment for medical conditions including chronic pain, but this article on ABC New’s website shows how effective acupuncture can be where all other treatments have failed. The article highlights the case of a 60 year-old woman who suffered from devastating and debilitating neck and shoulder pain. She had tried physical therapy, chiropractic medicine and the usual pain management, including multiple shots of steroids into her spine – all to no relief. After her back surgery was cancelled...
Read MoreThe Facts on Chinese Herbal Formulas
Chinese Herbology has been around for many years. It goes back to the Qin andHan Dynasty (3rd century B.C. to 3rd Century A.D. ) in China where the earliest Chinese herbal prescription was found. Of course, herbal remedies were probably used in as part of Chinese natural medicine many years before then. In Traditonal Chinese Medicine (TCM) we use formulas instead of single herbs. Chineseformulas are complicated because herbs are combined to affect each others actionand must be carefully balanced. It’s not a simple process as one herb is added to achieve the proper blend for...
Read MoreNatural Medicine
Medicinal herbs are actually the oldest form of traditional Chinese Medicine. They can be combined with acupuncture to have a power synergistic effect.
Read MoreThe Hands That Heal
For more than 3.000 years, the Chinese have understood healing power of touch. Along with strengthening the body structure and relaxing soft tissue, like acupuncture, massage can help with the body’s energy flow.
Read MoreWhat can acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture can treat a wide range of conditions, including back pain, digestive problems, cardiovascular problems, allergies, infertility — even toothaches and acne.
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